Body and Spirit

Prayer Team

A dedicated group of St. Andrew members volunteers to pray for those who request special prayers.  We believe that intercessory prayer brings the presence, peace, and power of God into situations of need, lightening burdens and offering the compassion of the community of faith.  We also join with others in joyful prayer, giving thanks for God’s goodness.

If you need immediate help for thoughts of self-harm, please contact:

The Suicide Prevention Hotline: Call or text 988

Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week
Languages: English, Spanish

Card Ministry

The Card Ministry deacon sends out greeting cards to members and friends who are experiencing illness and to those who are homebound.

Take Them a Meal

The Congregational Care Committee’s Meal Coordinator schedules meal deliveries to those who are recovering from illness, grieving after the death of a loved one, or welcoming a new child into their homes. Volunteer to help ease a family’s burdens in a very personal way.


A one-hour yoga class is held on Monday and Wednesday mornings at 9:00 am in St. Andrew Hall in the main building.  This volunteer-led class is a gentle, slow flow class that offers modifications to accommodate beginners and more advanced practitioners. While chair-based segments are occasionally offered, classes are generally based on the floor using yoga mats (please provide your own mat). Classes are designed to connect mind, body, and breath while increasing flexibility, balance and core strength. Practicing yoga provides an opportunity to slow down, focus on your breathing and calm your mind in addition to the physical benefits. Beginners should check with their physician before starting any new activity and be aware of any limitations that you may have in regard to your health. There is no charge for the class, and no registration is necessary.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry congregations equip and empower lay caregivers, called Stephen Ministers, to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting on a one-to-one basis. 

Prayers and Squares

“It’s not about the quilt; it’s all about the prayers.”

St. Andrew’s quilting group, a chapter of the national Prayers and Squares organization, makes beautiful lap quilts with stitches tying the layers of the quilt together. The ends of these stitches are left free to be tied as prayers are said for the recipient. New quilt-workers are always needed, and sewing skills are not required.

Anyone may request a prayer quilt for family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. by completing the request form found at the welcome kiosk near the entrance to the sanctuary. Place it in the Prayers and Squares box in the office or give it to Frances Jornov. We have many quilts already completed and ready to dedicate and give.


Automatic External Defibrillators, or AEDs, are medical devices that are used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. AEDs can analyze the heart’s rhythm and provide an electric shock if necessary to help reestablish a healthy rhythm. Our AEDs provide both visual and audio prompts to guide even the layperson through the correct – and potentially lifesaving – steps to using the device. St. Andrew has one AED in the hall leading from the Atrium to the back door and one on the second floor of the education building. Take a look at the linked video for an introduction to this important rescue tool.

“Thank you very much for the beautiful prayer quilt you made for our daughter. She sleeps with it every night and it was the first thing she grabbed when headed to CHKD for a recent hospital stay. It brings us all comfort to know of the prayers and care that went into making the quilt.”

Sunday Worship

Join us at 10:00 a.m.

Phone & Email

(757) 238-3550

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Christmas Worship Services

Blue Christmas Worship
Wednesday, 12/15, at 6:30 p.m.

For many people, Christmas is a particularly difficult time as they remember the loss of loved ones and the other losses of life. While some rejoice at the delights of the Christmas season, others feel their pain more deeply. Gather with us in the Sanctuary to acknowledge all these losses, to grieve those who are no longer with us, to remind ourselves of the faith that sustains us through all of life, and to worship God who came to be with us and promises that even when we walk through the dark places, we have nothing to fear.

Two Christmas Eve Services

4 p.m. Family Service
Music, scripture, and a special children's message will focus on the young (and the young at heart) at St. Andrew's early Christmas Eve service. The service will last approximately 40 minutes. Childcare will be available.

7 p.m. Communion Service
We will welcome the coming of the Christ Child with music, scripture, a homily, and Communion. The service will end in candlelight. There will be no childcare available for this service