Plan a Visit
Here’s what you need to know
We are a people-friendly and welcoming church home where all are invited to worship God together. We value hospitality and generosity, and we strive to live our lives in ways that will honor God. Meet our staff and members, who seek to use our energy, intelligence, imagination, and love to the glory of God and for the good of the community.
What is
worship like?
When and how do you
serve Communion?
What should I
Is an offering
What should I expect when I arrive?
What will my
children do?
What is worship like?
St. Andrew worships God together each Sunday at 10 a.m. Led by our pastor, our worship service include a sermon, scripture readings, children’s sermon, prayer, and offering.
Worship at St. Andrew is a combination of traditional and contemporary with music led by a vibrant blend of instrumentalists and vocalists. Nurseries are available for infants through 5 years old during the worship service as well as during the education hour.
The Lord’s Supper is usually served the first Sunday of the month, as well as at other special times of the year. We have an open table (all may participate).
What should I wear?
We at St. Andrew have a wide variety of fashion tastes. You can find folks wearing everything from jeans to business casual to suits and ties.
What should I expect when I arrive?
Our greeters will do their best to make you feel welcome and at ease when you enter the church. Our outdoor greeters will assist those with mobility issues from the traffic circle in front of the church into our accessible building. Indoor greeters will introduce themselves and welcome you to our service. You are encouraged to check out our Visitor Center, where you will find more information about our church and the many programs we have to offer! You can sit anywhere you like in the sanctuary. Attendance books are passed during the service to members and visitors alike , and if you give us your contact information and want to know more about our church, someone will reach out to you.
When and how do you serve Communion?
The Lord’s Supper is usually served the first Sunday of the month, as well as at other special times of the year. We have an open table (meaning all may participate).
Is an Offering Collected?
Yes, we collect an offering each week, but you are under no obligation to participate. Give as your heart leads you.
What about my children?
St. Andrew believes strongly that children play an important role in the life of the Christian community and, because of this, we offer a couple of options for you to consider.
- Infants through age 5 may stay in our Nursery located in our Preschool Hallway adjacent to the Sanctuary where they will be cared for by childcare providers. All childcare workers are background checked.
- Infants through age 5 may remain for the first part of our worship service, which is the time for all ages, and they play an active role in the sanctuary. After the children’s message, 4s and 5s may either stay with parents in the pew or they can go to the Nursery under childcare provider supervision.
- If you’re not sure, ask a Greeter or anyone wearing a yellow Volunteer lanyard to help you find the right place for your child.
Sunday Worship
Join us at 10:00 a.m.
Phone & Email
(757) 238-3550
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