
Growing together in the love of God

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Growing Together


Much like tomato plants, orchids, and small children, our faith needs nourishment in order to grow. Regular prayer, worship, and study all contribute to that nourishment. One of the great gifts of the church is that we can grow together with other followers as we stretch one another’s minds and hearts in community. 
St. Andrew values God’s gift of growth and provides opportunities for learning across all ages and in many forms. Sunday morning finds us in classes for infants through adults. Our mid-week program, Kirk Night, gives us the opportunity to eat together and then continue fellowship and learning in music practices or classes. Small groups gather for prayer, study, and support.


Look through the educational opportunities listed in this section and come join us. The conversation will be richer with you there!

Adults on Sunday

Sunday classes meet from 11:00 a.m.-noon in the education building behind St. Andrew’s main building.  Childcare for 3 year olds and younger and classes for 4 year olds through senior high are available at the same time.

Youth on Sunday

The Middle School and Senior High Church School classes meet together on the second floor of the education building behind the Sanctuary each Sunday from 11:00 a.m.-noon.

Children on Sunday

We are all God’s children, but we are not created the same. Our children learn in a variety of ways, and CrossWalk honors those differences.

Infants through Preschoolers on Sunday

Babies are not just the future of the church; they are the NOW of the church! St. Andrew provides nursery care from 10:00 a.m.-noon.

Kirk Night

Kirk Night, named for the Scottish word for church, is St. Andrew’s Wednesday evening program for all ages. Kirk Night begins each week with supper at 5:45 p.m. The cost for the meal is $4.50 for adults and $2.50 for children.

After dinner there are programs for all ages.


Check out our resources for spiritual growth and faith formation. Contact the church office if you have any questions about these resources.

Sunday Worship

Join us at 10:00 a.m.

Phone & Email

(757) 238-3550

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Christmas Worship Services

Blue Christmas Worship
Wednesday, 12/15, at 6:30 p.m.

For many people, Christmas is a particularly difficult time as they remember the loss of loved ones and the other losses of life. While some rejoice at the delights of the Christmas season, others feel their pain more deeply. Gather with us in the Sanctuary to acknowledge all these losses, to grieve those who are no longer with us, to remind ourselves of the faith that sustains us through all of life, and to worship God who came to be with us and promises that even when we walk through the dark places, we have nothing to fear.

Two Christmas Eve Services

4 p.m. Family Service
Music, scripture, and a special children's message will focus on the young (and the young at heart) at St. Andrew's early Christmas Eve service. The service will last approximately 40 minutes. Childcare will be available.

7 p.m. Communion Service
We will welcome the coming of the Christ Child with music, scripture, a homily, and Communion. The service will end in candlelight. There will be no childcare available for this service