COVID-19 Letter

Dear Friends,

“God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear though the earth should change…” (Psalm 46)

These words remind us that our faith is in God who is a refuge and a strength in times of trouble. Without a doubt these are troubling times and with the spread of COVID-19 difficult decisions must be made, decisions that honor our call to follow Jesus who commands us to love one another, and to care for others, especially the most vulnerable.

The Session here at St Andrew have prayerfully taken the decision to suspend Sunday worship and church-related weekday activities for the next two weeks at least. This decision was not taken lightly but with due consideration and in consultation with Presbytery.

We are fortunate to be able to live-stream our worship at St Andrew.
Although it will not be worship as we have traditionally known it, I invite you to join me at 10.00am on Sunday morning and worship with me in your own homes. The service will be modified but it will allow us to worship together, even though physically separate one from the other.
To access worship, you need to type into your search engine: St Andrew Suffolk Facebook. You do not need a Facebook account to access this service.

While public worship is suspended for the next two Sundays, we remind ourselves that what is not suspended is our care and compassion. We continue to love and pray for our world and for one another. Please reach out to those who may feel isolated, fearful or anxious at this time. Check in on those who live alone and those who are most vulnerable. Be mindful of following the advice about washing hands, stay away from crowded places and isolating yourself if you feel unwell.

If you, or someone you know, needs pastoral care do not hesitate to contact me by email or by phone.

While we navigate these uncharted territories, please join the Session and I in prayer as we discern how best to continue to be the church and to serve those most in need.

With every blessing,

Sunday Worship

Join us at 10:00 a.m.

Phone & Email

(757) 238-3550

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Christmas Worship Services

Blue Christmas Worship
Wednesday, 12/15, at 6:30 p.m.

For many people, Christmas is a particularly difficult time as they remember the loss of loved ones and the other losses of life. While some rejoice at the delights of the Christmas season, others feel their pain more deeply. Gather with us in the Sanctuary to acknowledge all these losses, to grieve those who are no longer with us, to remind ourselves of the faith that sustains us through all of life, and to worship God who came to be with us and promises that even when we walk through the dark places, we have nothing to fear.

Two Christmas Eve Services

4 p.m. Family Service
Music, scripture, and a special children's message will focus on the young (and the young at heart) at St. Andrew's early Christmas Eve service. The service will last approximately 40 minutes. Childcare will be available.

7 p.m. Communion Service
We will welcome the coming of the Christ Child with music, scripture, a homily, and Communion. The service will end in candlelight. There will be no childcare available for this service